As we settle into our new home, we really are appreciating just how big it is. As I said before it’s two apartments joined together to make one huge property.

The oldies have taken the penthouse apartment, otherwise known as the granny flat, and we are on the main floor of the building.

This does mean that we have the enviable position of having two kitchens, well three if you include the one outside. But we do keep being amazed at the number of things we have. There are 10 bikes, 9 TVs , 8 toilets, 7 bedrooms, 6 showers, 5 sun loungers, 4 coffee machines, 3 fridges, 2 pools and 1 conference room (I kid you not. See picture below).

“Can you pass the salt please…”

Personally, I’ve set myself the challenge of using every single toilet in the property before I leave. Don’t let the boys know I’ve been using their en-suites before they arrive here.

I told you before about how when we were being shown around, we were sort of only really half paying attention as we were wondering where the good stuff was. It dawned on us just how little attention we had been paying when we realised that between the five of us, none of us could remember where the gym was!

A gym with a view (if you open the shutters)

I say gym, it’s a treadmill, a bike and cross-trainer, but that’s enough isn’t it. None of us had a particular desire to use the gym, but we just thought it would be a good if we could at least remember where it was before the boys arrive, as they may want to make use of facilities.

Can imagine the great joy they would have if they realised that the five old duffers couldn’t actually remember where it was? I mean how do you miss-place a gym!

The only way that we managed to find it again, was by doing that thing when you lose an item, and try to retrace your steps. We eventually discovered that the gym is through the laundry room, through the room with the Fisher Price “my first foosball”, through the garage, past the freezer for the dead body, and there’s a door on the right. Go through that door and on the left is the gym. Simples. We also found another door past the gym that leads into the garden. So probably a quick way to get to the gym is via the garden, but if you want to get your steps up, take route A.

Normally when we’re away, the villa is full of the sound of music or general chatter. The predominant sound on this holiday is that noise your phone makes when you’re trying to identify it by pinging it from your watch. The thing is, we keep losing our phones.

I’m a terror for putting things down and walking away, so find myself pinging the phone three or four times a day. And the rest of them aren’t much better either. So there is a constant sound of the “dee-Dee-de-d-d de” as we are all pinging our respective phones to try and find them.

“Over here on the left…”

After the initial shock of seeing the Fisher-Price my first Foosball, we have managed to find the real thing in the games room. I have no idea how old it is as all the players seem to have a 1950’s feel to them. The other thing is the table has a distinct lean. So if you are playing in the blue and white striped team, you will find that your right winger, is doing the heavy lifting for the team, and the left-winger for the red striped team. At this point if I knew anything about football, I’m sure I could write some witty comparison to the current England team, but knowing that left and right wingers are a position, is pretty much the full extent of my footballing knowledge.

Speaking of which, I believe there’s a game on this evening, which Nikki and Tibu are quite keen to watch for some reason.

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